About Us

About Us
Challenges in Focus
Commitments and Responsibilities
Strategic Plan - Year 2025 - 2030
Managing Committee Members
The Spice Industry has seen progress at a rapid pace in the past few decades. Today, it is a $3.2 billion, 1 million tons industry. The increasing awareness among world-wide consumers on the wholesome goodness of spices, development of new products, processes and applications have helped the industry scale new heights.

With the global importance of food safety laws increasing, the demand for processed spices is only going to grow. However, there are certain roadblocks which could hamper further growth. They are:
  • Disproportionately lower production vis-à-vis increase in population leading to shortage in supply
  • Exploitation of soil and environment - inordinate usage of hazardous chemicals
  • Poor sanitation & hygiene conditions at farm level
  • Rigorous and exacting food safety laws

It is in this backdrop that World Spice Organisation (WSO) comes into existence in Kochi, the spice capital of India.

 WSO is a not-for-profit organisation registered under the Travancore Cochin Literary, Scientific And Charitable Societies Act, 1956 with the primary objective of facilitating the Spice Industry in dealing with issues of “Food Safety & Sustainability”. WSO seeks to achieve its objectives by involving all its stakeholders—the general public, the industry, the academia and the end-users. We also seek to strengthen the ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ initiatives of the industry.

 WSO recognises that efforts for food safety and sustainability should begin at the farm level. This is because all major issues that threaten the industry today—from  lower productivity to the occurrence of harmful agrochemicals—have their roots there.

WSO recognises the contributions of spice associations and regulatory bodies, in the development of the industry. WSO, therefore  will operate through, and together with, all the stakeholders of the industry and national spice associations to address the various issues in the industry, for a spice renaissance .. 


World Spice Organisation
9/217, Shankar Nagar, Jaya Nagar, Maradu, Ernakulam, Kerala 682304

Mob: +91 9895354110 Mail: secretary@wsospice.org

All Rights Reserved © World Spice Organisation 2011